Upward Blue Loans
Making your vision come true, put us to the test.
Upward Blue Loans
The Problem:
We had been working with Xome's sales department and realized that mocking up the full site for each potential client would become unreasonable fairly quickly. Clients wanted to see what they would be paying for, but for live demonstrations, it was difficult to sell them on a competitor branded site.
The Solution:
"Upward Blue Loans" allowed Xome to create just a few branded mockups for potential clients while still giving them full access to an unbranded working site.
My Role:
UX designer (Individual Project)
inVision (Prototype), Sketch (Wireframes and Visual Design), Pen and Paper (Storyboarding)
Home page Design
Listing Page
Neighborhoods Page
What did I learn?
Creating this brand was a weird and interesting project. We were selling a product to sell homes, to salesmen. This meant that our product needed to be presented to another sales department as the best solution, even though what our clients wanted and what their clients want are vastly different things.
I learned that while people in the corporate world may seem very logic and reason-driven, presenting the facts and figures only does half of the work. Communicating my desires in terms of others interests, even without mentioning my own interests directly, is a faster path to cooperation.